Flying Fish (Photos Plus Video)

 These fish saying the name.They are the owners of the magnificent "wings" - large pectoral fins, through which they can "soar above the ocean spaces.The speed of such a flight can reach 60 km / h.

 Flying fish are found in warm water with a temperature above 20 C. In all there are 64 species of flying fish: 20 of them can be found in the eastern Pacific Ocean, 16 species - in the Atlantic Ocean, etc.The greatest number of flying fish found in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of Barbados.That is why this country has another unofficial name - "Land of Flying Fish", where this fish is the national symbol.
Externally, flying fish unremarkable until she spread the "wings".The body is elongated, the sides are two large pectoral fins.Stained with silver-blue.Back a little darker than the abdomen.This allows the paint to remain invisible in the water.The pectoral fins can be both colorless and green, blue, with spots or stripes. 
 Identify two, as if to say, the categories of flying fish: diptera and chetyrehkrylye.The first in flight using only their pectoral fins, while the second flight is carried out not only with infants, but the pelvic fins.Their fries breast and pelvic fins are roughly equal in size.
 Another feature of the structure of the fish is having a huge swim bladder, which passes under the spine and right up to the tail.
Flying fish are kept in small flocks, which can be grouped into larger flocks.Sometimes there are areas where a huge number of floating fish, consisting of dozens of stocks.
 Feed on plankton, fish, fish larvae, small crustaceans and some molluscs.
 During spawning, they spawn sticks to algae and various small marine debris, such as the fruits of terrestrial plants, birds, feathers, coconut.But dipterans flying fish of the genus Exocoetus are floating spawn, which is easy to surf the ocean. 
 Let's move on to the fun - their flight.They are a peculiar way of avoiding prosecution.Udiraya from a predator, under water, they can develop a speed of 60 km / h.Dial a speed helps them a powerful tail fin, which it can flap 70 times per second.After a good overclock it jumps out of the water.This introduces the hunter to a screeching halt - much the same could disappear production.And that has long gone.
 The length of the flight can be 400 meters and a height of up to 1.2 meters.To maintain altitude, the fish periodically touches the surface of the water tail to gain speed.Record of such a flight was recorded in May 2008.It lasted 45 seconds.
 They say that for the design of the first planes in the early 20 th century, aircraft designers have studied the flight model flying fish.

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