Famous people and their phobias

 Sometimes they say that each has its own "cockroaches" in the head, referring to the small deviations from normality and personal fears and phobias. There are, of course, people who are almost afraid of nothing, or have learned to deal with their phobias - but much more those who are afraid of something: height, others dark, spiders and other things. Among the celebrities a lot of people with phobias. Even very famous people who seem to many infallible and fearless, afraid of things that we did not suspect. Let's see who we know what people fear

George Washington
 He is often called the father of the American nation, and rightly so - it was this man, so to speak, gave life to the U.S. as a country. It is clear that the United States was deprived of all shortcomings, making infallible father of the nation. It turns out, the man who passed the war, assassination and destruction, was afraid of being buried alive. It is worth noting that in those days it really feared by many, and Washington, even asked his adjutant, in the event of his death, to wait two days before burying the body.
Alfred Hitchcock
 His films are known to many, and in the West, and we have. As it turned out, this master of horror himself to death ... afraid of conventional eggs. More precisely, he is not afraid of them, and they were very disagreeable to him, by his own admission. If he saw something that looked like an egg, it made him feel bad. Over a lifetime, Hitchcock did not try any of the eggs, so they were repugnant to him. Doctors find it difficult to explain this phobia.
Nikola Tesla
 Probably, there is now a man who did nothing would not know about the great scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. He created a lot, especially appreciated his work on electromagnetism and electricity. Interestingly, this great man was afraid of viruses and ... jewelry. Because of the first phobia he was afraid to touch other people or surfaces. He very often they wash their hands. In addition, his fear of jewelry is particularly evident when he saw the pearls. And yet - he liked everything that had anything to do with the figure "3". For example, in the hotel, he always stayed in the hotel room, a serial number which is divided into three evenly.
Napoleon Bonaparte
 More a great man who all his life afraid of cats. Yes, the Bonaparte, who was afraid the whole of Europe, he was afraid of cats. It is unclear why he was afraid of them, but we know that one kind of cat, cat or kitten brought him to manichesky horror. Interestingly, that Julius Caesar, Hitler and Mussolini too afraid of cats and dogs. Doctors also difficult to answer why.
Sigmund Freud
Renowned scholar, laid the foundation for psychoanalysis, it is feared weapons and ... ferns. By the way, by analyzing this its feature, it is argued that fear of weapons - a sign of delayed emotional and sexual maturity. But the fear of ferns is very difficult to explain. It is unclear where this fear came - Freud himself did not say anything about it. Everyone who was closely acquainted with the scientists knew that its features.

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