Institutionalized death

The only country in the world, where use five types of capital punishment, is the United States. In the United States routinely shot and hanged, fry in the electric chair, injected into the veins of lethal injection, and apparently nostalgic for the III Reich, were sacrificed by means of gas ...

146 countries have already abandoned the death penalty. Under pressure from Western democracies, with their incomprehensible for us, the mentality of our country (Russia and Ukraine) still maintain a moratorium on the death penalty, replacing it with a lifetime support any kind of debris up to as long as they do not "push back the hoof". At the moment in Europe only to be executed in Belarus, apparently not realizing until the end of the charm of "democratic humanism" in dealing with scum and murderers, that does not interfere with Belarus in the former Soviet Union have a very high standard of living among the general population, non-maniacs and scum (though SNGovskie analysts argue that in Kazakhstan live steeper ...)

I would not like here, on the NNM, analyze, who have a better life after the collapse of the country, and who, like Ukraine, is a leader among the post-Soviet countries on foreign debt (albeit on a global scale as the former rulers of Ukraine and nynekraduschie could not get ahead postchausheskovskuyu impoverished Romania in debt to the IMF, but "Nezalezhnosti" ahead of the rest in child alcoholism and the spread of AIDS and teenage drug use). In a word, leaving deep reflection on the people's happiness to people's deputies, the more so in the Duma and the Rada has not stuck to them from the podium bark all over the country, as they deftly robbed of us. The question will be quite a different story. It's about death, institutionalized, in all its manifestations.
France, a country with the highest quality of life (see link above) without further ado simply pre-1981 used "automatic golovorubku" as a tool of enforcement for "vyshaku.
Joseph Giyoten, the doctor came up with a piece, which famously cut off head off to anyone who needed it. During the French Revolution, the device worked without sparing head and often entirely without lubricant. Before his execution on death row shirt cut gate, gave him a sip brandy, and then inserts his head in the hole, do not forget after that to pull the special rope, descend a knife. After a fraction of a second head was provided in the basket, the people rejoiced, and led up to the machine next.

Hamid Dzhandubi. Odes, Komrad!
The last one had the honor to be executed by means of "automatic golovorubki was a Dzhandubi Hamid. His was the last chump in a basket to collect the heads, hindered by their owners.
Of course, no country in the world is not executed with the help of a solution of brilliant green, or green fodder. "
"Smeared (anointed) Zelenkov forehead" - so our TSP called capital punishment - shot. Paint the forehead in green is still the most common form of punishment. It goes without saying, that and the cheapest - even five bullets are cheaper than two meters of strong hemp rope, in spite of the fact that hemp is a byproduct in the manufacture of drape, ie, Ganji, ie the plan (or vice versa?).

The most diligent in the color of the forehead Zelenkov today are Chinese, and not because of green fodder in China produce more than we do. Simple Chinese adore despatch snickering officials, drug traffickers and brothel informative public, sometimes before a football match, for example, that thousands of so-twenty fans were able to warm up before the start of the football battles. And the Chinese love football and soccer games are often ... Until recently, the lack of Zielonka not experienced and "our" Mokrushnikov and cursed robbers socialist ownership.

* I wanted to pull teeth, and turned on the electric chair ...
Most democratic country (and many in this sacred trust), is also unique in the world, where during the execution of love not only enjoy the smell of excrement was executed, but the smell of its roasted flesh. In addition to "state" anywhere in the world do not use electrocution. The funny thing is that the "inventor" of this kind of execution is a physician-dentist.
In the XIX century, one uncle, zubnik, named Albert Soutvik, fairly taking on the chest viskarya, far-fetched one of his patients to make sanitation of the oral cavity. History does not - shtozh for the patient is and what was his name, but mentions that he was not sober himself a dentist. Then, as they say, the patient was lucky, because buhoy Soutvik took, and connected the wino who suffer toothache to the generator. Drunk forgot his patients teeth, puffed and ... dead! Information that was after this incident with Albert Soutvikom I do not find anywhere else, but it is known that the government's most democratic country in the world appreciated the "invention" of the dentist-alcoholics, and still use this "humane" way of sending patients slammer at one end. They say that this invention is a hand and Thomas Edison, but not in the sense that he pulled circuit breaker or removing the excrement in the intestines of incontinence "elektrostultsev", and that the first time this penalty so to speak "obkatyvali, sitting on a throne a long time to roast, and apologize several times and long hours went by myself and in small-and large. Inventor of light bulbs (and Pindos they believe Edison) brought to mind the miracle of technology, raising naprugu on the throne up to 2000 volts, and soon put to death did not write and did not scat for themselves, since it is they have no time left. But apparently children "Indigo" appeared long before the beginning of the XXI century, otherwise how to explain that in 1946 a William Francis did not even dip his pants during the execution of the sentence began to yell: "Stop! (Pi-i-i-i-i) Give to breathe! (Pi-i-i-i-and pi-i-i-s).
African-American Negro in the electric chair

Bedolage no luck. I mean: a penalty to stop, but Poss ..., er ... the toilet is not it took, but simply raised naprugu. Dude puffed, pee, at the same time pokakal, and went into another world ...
Now Humanists-amerikosy not fools - that the brain kaznyaemogo (ogo!) managed to boil, and kaznyaemy not had time to blurt out too much, but he had managed it, applied voltage of 2700 volts, which is fed through electrodes on the head (pre-shaved crown) and at the ankles (which also pre-shave). By the way, taking into account the repeated requests of those who cleans the seat elektrotronov from feces do not hold back emotions death, the producers went to meet him, and that and another - the seat were made from plastic - because it is easier to wash off ... er ... Well, all these things.

* Trainspotting

In Guatemala, the Philippines and Thailand are more advanced butchers than, say, in Japan, where the criminals just hang up. And Sony, with the "Panasonic", abundantly produced in Thailand here at all to do with it. Pindos also kept pace with gvatemaltsami and tailandyatami on the path of democratic humanism, using a fashionable way to kill - an introduction to the vein "patient" lethal injection stuff, consisting of a mixture of thiopental sodium (as an analgesic), calcium chloride (Schaub padlyuka not frozen) and pavulona .
- Here I disagree!
- With whom?
- Yes to both!
- Excuse me, but what? ©

- Yes, that amerikosy gerycha controlling the supply to Europe and America from Afgan, where they are implanted, sorry - "restore" democracy, could his suicide bombers instead of thiopental and Burda pavulona humanely poke his fingers through his triple-dose of pure gerycha, the more that cost him in the Afghan provinces controlled amerikosy minimized. Okay, humanists, der ... Democrats - apparently gerych they are driving in Russia and Ukraine, and all pindosovskim urkam dose is not enough to cross the rivulet Styx - let them Ivana and Mykola feel real "othodnyak" without penalty ".
Although the death occurs within minutes after the introduction of trash, poor, as humanitarians say, do not feel pain. He simply fell asleep instantly from thiopental, and not having time to enjoy the pleasant warmth of calcium chloride ...

* The rope is not long lather ...
In the case of hanging amerikosy also did not miss his chance. That is, they, like Iraq, Iran and Pakistan continue to throw a noose around his neck, and beat out from under the feet of the stool. However, Iraqi executor surpassed their American hosts at least in the fact that they use for hanging cranes, and Pindos had not guessed.

The procedure for executions, there is one thing: if it is wrong to tighten the noose (at the back) and just knock the stool - hung for some time to live. For this "some time" he has time to empty the bowel, bladder, and hanged-man still ejaculates or his pants, or to nearby rotozeya. In the Middle Ages there was a belief that the crash site eyakulyanta gallows grows mandrake root, which has magical properties. So: two lovers, wishing to acquire a long and happy life together, dug out the root of this extraordinary, both UTS ... , Sorry - bit off a piece of him, and lived happily ever after, dying in one day.

In short, hanging of convicted criminals must be so: the loop is tightened under the chin and the body dropped from a height that ruptured cervical vertebrae that results in an instantaneous death, leaving not the slightest chance of coprophilia and lovers, scoured from scaffolds in the search for profit.
I even imagine how after reading the title you might think: "Well, Che, and amerikosy be?". Will also be like, because the "soda" as the killing is now used only in Pindostane. Personally, I doubt that in Nuremberg, the trial of Nazi amerikosy anything heard at all. If you would have heard something of the indictments, as soon as they got the idea to send murderers to the light with gas vans? That is - only the U.S. is the only country in the whole world, where execution is carried out by the method of Rudolf Hess. Retreating to the other world is closed in a room with windows closed from the outside shutters, which subsequently let in the gas-cyanide. Dude, of course, begins to feel uncomfortable, and then ... o_O, Rudolf Hess to this not thought of: curtains on the windows go up and sees a man behind the glass distorted horrified faces of his loved ones, which humanists Pindos-led look at the execution of his unfortunate relatives. By the way, all the "show" (a Pindos love the show) lasts about ten minutes. And you would not believe! - With family-per-view does not take a penny!
Tough, huh? And here and there! Because the most sophisticated in their cruelty penalty is applied in the Islamic Republic of Iran. East - a delicate matter, and there is not very much trust in modern methods of syringes and all kinds of machines. The situation is much simpler: When the penalty of stoning to death, the stones should not be too big to convict could not die from one or more blows with stone. Stones should not be too small to not be called stones. Article 119 Hodoud and Qisas (Iran's Islamic Penal Code)As they say in the East: "Allahu akbar!", Well, I'll add: Yes, indeed akbar .. and we do the work - no end, at least Call the Chinese experts ...

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