Treasures of the funerary Room of Toutankhamon

 Tutankhamun (Tutankhaton) - pharaoh of ancient Egypt who ruled in about 1333 - 1323 years BC. er. from XVIII Dynasty, the husband of one of the daughters of Akhenaten - the famous pharaoh reformer.

Who were his parents, is not precisely determined, but most likely he was the grandson of Amenhotep III. His right to the throne was determined by his marriage to Anhesenpaaton (and later bore the name Anhesenamon), daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. By the time of the death of Akhenaten Tutankhamun was only nine years old, so he was heavily influenced by the aging "Father God" - Ay, who became his co-regent, survived him and became the successor to the throne. Little known as the Pharaoh, Tutankhamun became famous thanks to a sensational discovery in 1922, it hardly disturbed the tomb. It found thousands of different items, including a gilded chariot seat, bed, lamps, jewelry, clothing, stationery and even a pencil voloc his grandmother. This discovery gave the world the most complete picture of the magnificence of the ancient Egyptian court.

During the reign of Tutankhamen, Egypt gradually regained its international influence, which was shaken during the reign of the pharaoh reformer. Thanks to the military leader Horemheb, who later became the last Pharaoh of XVIII dynasty, Tutankhamun has strengthened the position of Egypt in Ethiopia and Syria. His might expect a brilliant future, but he died suddenly, without leaving an heir, a son.

Due to the sudden death of Pharaoh did not have time to prepare a decent tomb, and so Tutankhamun was buried in a humble tomb, the entrance to which eventually proved to be hidden under the huts of Egyptian workers, under construction near the tomb for the pharaoh Ramses XX Dynasty VI (d. 1137 BC. E .). It is thanks to this circumstance, the tomb of Tutankhamun was overlooked, and stood untouched for more than three thousand years, until in 1922 it had found a British archeological expedition led by Howard Carter and Lord Kornarvonom - rich English aristocrat, financed the excavation.

The tomb of Tutankhamun was one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of 20 century. Eighteen year old pharaoh was buried with a fantastic luxury: only on his diapered mummy housed 143 gold objects, the very same mummy was kept in the three inserted into each other sarcophagi, the last one, 1,85 m length, was made of pure gold. In addition, the tomb was found the imperial throne, decorated with reliefs, statuettes of the king and his wife, a lot of ritual vessels, jewelry, weapons, clothes and, finally, a magnificent gold funerary mask of Tutankhamun, facial features accurately captured the young pharaoh.

For all the magnitude of this finding, the value of such a discovery, of course, far exceeds the value found in the tomb of gold: digging through Carter, we got a chance to see the magnificence and complexity of ancient Egyptian funerary ritual, a major contribution to our understanding of the Egyptian funeral rites and the scale of public worship of Pharaoh. Thanks to the discoveries made can be judged on a fantastic level of artistic craftsmanship, made in Egypt.


Tutankhamen's tomb is located in the Valley of the Kings, and it's hardly the only plundered the tomb, which reached scientists in its original form, although they were opened twice tomb robbers. She was discovered in 1922 by two Englishmen - Egyptologist Howard Carter (Howard Carter) and amateur archaeologist Lord Carnarvon. The tomb survived numerous decorations, and decorated with turquoise sarcophagus weighing 110.4 kilograms of pure gold with a mummified body of Pharaoh.

In the eyes of historians, Tutankhamun remains obscure minor pharaoh until the beginning of XX century. Moreover, even expressed doubts about the reality of its existence. Therefore, the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb is regarded as the greatest event in the history of archeology. Nevertheless, the board of Tutankhamun really excelled anything significant, other than non-atonizma. Howard Carter owned the following words of the young Pharaoh: "In the present state of our knowledge we can say only one thing: the only notable event of his life was that he died and was buried."

November 4, 1922 was cleared the entrance to the tomb, and print on the doors were intact, which gives high hopes on the possibility of a major archaeological discovery of the century. At the entrance to the tomb of Ramses VI (builders of the Ramesside tombs, apparently fell asleep the way to the tomb of Tutankhamun, thus explaining its relative safety) November 26, 1922, Carter and Carnarvon became the first of three millennia people descended into the tomb (the robbers, who could visit the tomb obviously descended into it during the time of Dynasty XX). After lengthy excavations February 16, 1923 Carter finally came down to the burial chamber tomb (Golden palace), where the sarcophagus of the pharaoh himself. Among the utensils and other items buried with the pharaoh, was discovered many specimens of art, bearing the stamp of influence art Amarnskogo period. The owner found the treasure, then a virtually unknown young governor of Egypt, immediately became the object of attention, and phenomenal discovery not only made his name well known, but caused another surge of renewed interest in all the traces of Egyptian civilization in the modern world.

In a recent press release, Zahi Hawass said that the tomb of Tutankhamen in the near term will be closed for restoration work. The Supreme Council of Antiquities in cooperation with the Getty Conservation Institute - Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) will carry out a project on conservation of the tomb. The project is planned in five years.

On the walls of the tombs were spotted brown spots, the cause of which is not yet clear, but it is clear that the continuation of this process could forever destroy the unique monument of ancient Egypt.

Legend of the "Curse of the Pharaoh"

Lord George Carnarvon, financed the excavations, died April 5, 1923 in Cairo hotel "Continental" from inflammation of the lungs, but almost immediately arose hoaxes around his death (even spoke of "blood poisoning due to wound with a razor" or "mysterious mosquito bites"). In subsequent years, the press fueled rumors of a "curse of the Pharaohs," allegedly led to the death of the discoverers of the tomb, accounting for up to 22 victims of the curse, of which 13 were directly present at the opening of the tomb. Among them were mentioned, and such big experts as the biggest American Egyptologist James Henry Brested professor, author of the grammar of Egyptian language, Sir Alan Henderson Gardiner, Professor Norman Davies de Harris.

However, the evidence suggests that the evidence "curse" have been adjusted to achieve the beat: the absolute majority of the members of the expedition Carter reached old age, and the average duration of their life expectancy is 74.4 years. So, JG Brested was already 70 years old, and NG Davis - 71, and A. Gardiner - 1984. Howard Carter, directly supervises all the works in the tomb, it would seem, had to fall the first victim of "the curse of the pharaoh, but he was dead last - in 1939 at the age of 66 years. One of the popular theories that attempt to analyze the death of the expedition members, associates it with a fungus or other microorganisms were present in the crypt, which explains, in particular, the fact that the first Lord Carnarvon died asthmatic.

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