Museum Of Ice In Europe

The largest indoor museum of ice sculptures in Europe, which opened this winter in a Moscow park Sokolniki.
In creating elegant exposition, located in the area of 700 square meters, was attended by the world champions in international competition of sand sculpture, snow and ice.Project manager is Paul Mylnikov (five-time world champion sand sculpture) and Bagrat Stepanyan (three-time world champion in the sculpture of ice and snow).To create the existing exposition sculptors took about 1000 tons of ice and snow.
Museum is located in the eleventh pavilion park Sokolniki.Pleasure is quite expensive - adult tickets cost 300 rubles for children - Visitors bought tickets on their own with the help of the machine.The museum is open daily from 11 to 20 hours.
Already at the entrance, visitors can see the long-necked swans, which flew for a moment from the museum to get some fresh air
The temperature inside the museum is less than -10 degrees Celsius.Therefore, all visitors, young and old issue here are warm down jackets, which are advised to wear over their coats) Wearing a blue down jacket, you immediately visually get fat by 2-3 in size and begin to feel that kind sumo wrestler, protected from the cold with a thick layer of fat

7.And the grim Medusa-Gorgon ...
Inside you can see a lot of mythological creatures. Winged Pegasus ...
Terrible guard in the Shell) A closer look - without the head inside a transparent helmet
Armed with it like this, not afraid of the word "cold" weapons
Near the wall, "suspended" dinosaur skeleton.Looking at it, just remember about the Ice Age
What kind of creature
  Part of the exhibition is devoted to the inhabitants of other planets and galaxies
Look quite unusual)
Sculpres in the museum literally shimmer with rainbow colors, thanks to special lighting, which is implemented with LEDs)
16.Who he is?

Very mirror colors that are "photographed" and remember passing around.
This Skliss - marsupial cloven-hoofed, remotely resembling a flying cow)
On the surface it looks like an ordinary parrot.This bird is unusual in that it can store any number of words spoken text and move around in interstellar space.
Good-natured elephant with three legs, with numerous tentacles, several rows of eyes and a short trunk
Just wanted to shake one of his paws
In the center of everyone's favorite - Alice Selezneva
The kids at the museum and are drawn to the sculptures.Mothers can only keep that little child inadvertently not primerzlo to one of them

On a bed you can even sit or lie down.But, as the saying goes: "Do not sleep, freeze!"
Everyone in this room everything from checkerboard floor, ending here this mirror with the mysterious bubbles made of ice.
Such work requires not only skill but also great accuracy.Ice, in comparison with the stone - the material more pliable, but more brittle.Small details sculptures over time begin to "float", so the sculptors have from time to time to update them.
At room temperature, these sculptures began to lose its shape after a couple of hours, but here they can keep it for several months.Time on this watch has stopped, or simply "froze")
A large concentration of people is only slightly raises the temperature in the room.If someone shortens the life of the sculptures, so it's visitors to the museum, hands touch the exhibits.
In the hearth of the ice fire rainbow shimmers someone's heart)
If earlier in this museum can be seen frozen flowers, but now it was the turn of fruit
Of these blocks of ice sculptors of the museum is made here such wonderful fruit trees)
Arrangement of Christmas "has been fully completed yet on December.It is based on the Biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ. Next to the baby are Mary and Joseph.
Sawing of ice blocks used are the real chainsaw.The complexity of making such sculptures is that they should not see a single "joint".In addition, work with your hands at a temperature of -10 - employment is not easy!

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